Monday, August 31, 2015

3 Reasons Why Back-to-School Dental Checkups Are a Must

1-Required by Some

Several school districts require a copy of the results of your child’s checkup before classes begin. To avoid any problem with the front desk, schedule your appointment today and avoid waiting until the very last minute. Even if your child’s school doesn’t require a checkup, have one done anyway to keep his or her teeth and gums healthy.

2-It’s Time

Professionals recommend a dental checkup on a timely basis, with many agreeing that six months should be the maximum amount of time between visits. If your child has not been to the dentist in the last six months, definitely schedule a visit before the school semester begins.

3-Prevent Missed Days

The last thing you want to do is make your child miss days of school because they need a routine checkup or an emergency visit to the dentist’s office. Avoid taking precious academic days from them by visiting a dentist before the first day back to school.

Little Heroes Assemble!

It’s time to get your Little Hero’s smile bright and ready to make the best first impression. Let our sidekicks equip and assist your child in the fight against dental decay and the evil Sugarbugs. Contact Liberty Dental, our Fremont family dental office to schedule an appointment.